Manuscript No.
Title Alternate Script
Subject Description
Manuscript Extent
Folios in Text
Folio Range of Text
1 - 256
No. of Divisions in Text
Range of Divisions in Text
3 - 8, 8 - 17, 17 - 18
Title of Divisions in Text
Lines per Side
Folios in Bundle
21.8 cm
34 cm
Bundle No.
Miscellaneous Notes
This transcript is copied from a MS with No. RE 44918 of the French Institute of Pondicherry. There are 3 extra pages at the beginning, of which the first page records the title of the text, second records the contents and a portion of the note written by the scribe of this transcript, which continue in page 3. That note reads: " The copyist of the original palm leaf was Mahabala of Vasupurī. The author of bahudaivatya was viṣṇu? The source of this āgamanibandha are jñānodaya, devodbhava, lalita and pārameśvara
Sankaranārayaṇapūjā, utsava etc. are the speciality. The śiva-viṣṇu worship is well known in Karnataka.Also one can come across the name śankaranārāyaṇa in costal Karnataka very often just like Hariharan in Tamil Nadu esp. in Tanjore of Tinnelvelly district. In Karnātaka the name is popular because of the Kroda Sankarācārya Kṣetra. Just like the seven famous place of piligramage (ayodhyā, amthurā māyā(haridvār) kā:sī, kāñcī avantikā(purī dvāravatī caiva saptautāmokṣadāyakāḥ) there are seven such kṣetras in costal karnataka also (koṭeśvara on koṭīśvara). Kroḍa (śaṅkaranārāyaṇakṣetra) gokarṇa mukāmbāḥ (kolluk) saptaunā mokṣadāyakāḥ
Bahudaivatya gives the worship and festival of kroḍa śaṅkaranārāyaṇa in details. So the tantra must have originated or at least devoloped in the proximity of kroḍa. The Liṅga in the temple has parts, the part is śiva and the thick part is viṣṇu. The worshipers are partial to śiva and often more naivedya to śiva vadirājasvāmin of sodamutt makes a fun saying that the the worshipper often more to śiva yet he is weak (slender). In the worship the āvaraṇa devatās of both śiva and viṣṇu are included. In the festival also both the vāhanas of śiva and viṣṇu can be found on the dhvajapata, garuḍa being on the upper part and vṛṣabha on the lower. So bahudaivatya must have been the collection of some one who is wellversed in the attains of śaṅkaranārāyaṇakṣetra
Text Contents
1.Page 1 - 10.tṛtīyapaṭala (pūjāyāḥ prākartavyāni karmāṇi.
2.Page 11 - 19.caturthapaṭala (antimobhāga naṣṭaḥ) pīṭhapūjā.
3.Page 19 - 30.pañcamapaṭala [āvaraṇapūja, āryābhāmonaṣṭaḥ].
4.Page 30 - 40.ṣaṣṭha paṭala [pūjāmantra] [śivapūjā].
5.Page 41 - 54.saptama paṭala [viṣṇupūjā].
6.Page 54 - 65.aṣṭamapaṭala ṣaḍakṣarādipūjā, viṣṇoḥ] [navavyūhavidhānam].
7.Page 65 - 82.navamapaṭala [viṣṇupūjāmantrā].
8.Page 82 - 94.[daśamapaṭala] [śaṅkaranārāyaṇotsava].
9.Page 94 - 112.ekādaśapaṭala [śaṅkaranārāyaṇotsava].
10.Page 112 - 128.dvādaśa paṭala [viṣṇutsava].
11.Page 129 - 137.trayodaśa paṭala [viṣṇutsava tīrthayātrā].
12.Page 138 - 149.caturdaśapaṭala [śaṅkaranārāyaṇapūjā].
13.Page 149 - 170.pañcadaśapaṭala [snapana].
14.Page 171 - 199.ṣoḍaśapaṭala [tāntrikāditrividhadūrgāpūjā].
15.Page 199 - 213.[saptadaśapaṭala] [devyutsava].
16.Page 213 - 223.utsavaprāyaścitta śānti].
17.Page 223 - 243.aṣṭādaśapaṭala.
18.Page 244 - 245.rathotsavakṣya pradhānāṅgāni.
19.Page 245 - 248.mṛttikāgrahaṇa, aṅkurārpaṇa.
20.Page 248 - 250.vanahojanavidhi [dhātrīpūjā].
21.Page 250 - 252.rākṣoghna vāstuhoma.
22.Page 253 - 256.nyāsamantrā.
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Manuscript Beginning
Page - 1, l - 1; śrīḥ bahudaivatyam॥ [tṛtīyapaṭala॥ ādau 14 ślokāḥ naṣṭāḥ॥] ........ṇi pañcāgnisūktamapyaghanarṣaṇam॥ nimajyotīrya paridhāyāmbaraṃ śucinirmalam॥ ācānto nyastadehaśca mūlāṅgairmantravittamaḥ॥ taireva prokṣaṇaṃ kṛtvā tataḥ kuryādupasthitim॥96॥ arkamaṇḍala......ṃadhye tu devaṃ jyotirmayaṃ vibhum॥ dhyātvārghyaṃ vidhivaddyāt mūlamantramanusmaran॥97॥
Manuscript Ending
Page - 255, l - 22; evaṃ ca sarvaśuddhisthānaśuddhidvāreṇa bījamukhye bījasaṃyogāt sakalabhuvanādhvamayaṃ pīṭhaklṛptimantraḥ॥ vyāpyotmavyāpinaḥ parameśvarasya athāvāhane mūlamantraḥ॥ āvāhana sthāpana nirodhana sānnidhyakarṇārcanā॥ [breaks off]. [atr mudgrahaṇa, nyāsādiṣu viśeṣamantrāḥ uktāḥ]
Catalog Entry Status
Cite as
in Digital Collections, Institut Français de Pondichéry,
Transcripts of the Indology Collection,
consulted on February, 5th 2025,