Bulletin des actes administratifs des Établissements français de l'Inde. Vol. 7, issues 47 to 52 (1832/1834)
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Inde française
Imprimerie du Gouvernement, Pondichéry
Date of Publication
Content Type
Vol and Issue: Vol. 7, issues 47 to 52
Scope and content: This volume contains notification nos. 538 to 591. Some of the topics covered are: classification of government functionaries and other employees, including decisions on salaries, promotions etc.; import and export of sugar manufactured in the territory of Pondichéry; decision to translate all important ordinances into the local languages for the benefit of the natives; publicizing of the agreements between France and England on the punishment for slave trade; change in designation of the “Contrôleur général” to “Inspecteur général”; extension of the competence of the “tribunaux de paix” (peace courts) in the French establishments; distribution of the annual compensation to the salt producers for the inactivity of their saltworks (with reference to the agreement of 1818 with the British Govt) etc.
Extent and Format of Original Material
1 volume containing 6 issues and indices; 113 pages. Dimensions: 20 X 13 cm
Height and Weight:This volume is part of a bound book that contains volumes for the years 1832 to 1834. Only the pages for 1834 were digitized from this copy. The pages for 1832 and 1833 were digitized from other copies
Issues within the volume are arranged chronologically and by issue number. They are numbered continuously from the previous volume and appear at irregular intervals: issue 47 (Jan), 48 (Feb & Mar), 49 (Apr & May), 50 (Jun & Jul), 51 (Aug & Sep), 52 (Oct to Dec). The volume contains chronological and subject indices. The Chronological Index lists all the orders chronologically and gives their dates and page numbers. The Subject index is an alphabetical list of subject terms followed by the page numbers of the orders that pertain to that subject. Both indices are bound at the end of the volume.
EAP Project Number
Collection Name
Periodicals of French India (1823/1954)
Series Number
Series 1
Series Name
Series 1: Bulletin des actes administratifs des Établissements français de l'Inde
Call no.: ETABL-FR 99 (1832/1834) (A) Acession no.: SS17189
British Library (Endangered Archives Programme)
Institut Français de Pondichéry (Owner of the original material)
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (Digitalized by)
Location of Original Material
Institut Français de Pondichéry
Custodial History
This volume was previously owned by the Pondicherry Court Library
Extent of Digital Material
132 TIFF images; 7.42 GB
Date Modified
Cite as
Bulletin des actes administratifs des Établissements français de l'Inde. Vol. 7, issues 47 to 52 (1832/1834),
in Digital Collections, Institut Français de Pondichéry,
Periodicals of French India,
consulted on February, 5th 2025, https://ifp.inist.fr/s/printed-materials/item/369016