Bulletin des actes administratifs des Établissements français de l'Inde. Vol. 33, issues 182 to 193 (1860)


Inde française


Imprimerie du Gouvernement, Pondichéry

Date of Publication


Content Type







Vol and Issue: Vol. 33, issues 182 to 193
Scope and content: This volume contains notification nos. 1 to 87. Some of the topics covered are: exchange of correspondence between France and its Indian colonies using British ships; instructions for the rural postal service; instructions regarding the legal deposit of colonial publications; several instructions from the metropolis to the colony on accounting procedures and management; recruitment of Indians from Mahé for the Reunion Islands; regulation of the entry of indentured labour from all origins into the Reunion Islands, reorganization of the cipahis corps; provisions in water and food to be made on ships carrying immigrants; other decisions relating to emigration; uniform of the Chandernagor police; liquor licences; levies on betel and tobacco; projected revenues and expenses of the government for 1861; daily wages of labourers; competitions for various government jobs; nominations and promotions etc.

Extent and Format of Original Material

1 volume containing 12 issues and indices; 287 pages. Dimensions: 21 X 12.5 cm
Issues within the volume are arranged chronologically and by issue number. They are numbered continuously from the previous volume and appear every month. The volume contains chronological, subject and name indices. The Chronological Index lists all the orders chronologically and gives their dates and page numbers. The Subject index is an alphabetical list of subject terms and gives the orders that pertain to that subject along with their page numbers. The Name Index includes the names of people that figure in the list of nominations, promotions, transfers etc. It is arranged alphabetically and gives the page number where the names are mentioned. The three indices are bound at the end of the volume.

EAP Project Number


Collection Name

Periodicals of French India (1823/1954)



Series Number

Series 1

Series Name

Series 1: Bulletin des actes administratifs des Établissements français de l'Inde


Call no.: ETABL-FR 99 (1860) (A)
Accession no.: SS17216


British Library (Endangered Archives Programme)
Institut Français de Pondichéry (Owner of the original material)
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) (Digitalized by)

Location of Original Material

Institut Français de Pondichéry

Custodial History

This volume was previously owned by the Pondicherry Court Library

Extent of Digital Material

304 TIFF images; 17.1 GB

Date Modified






Cite as

Bulletin des actes administratifs des Établissements français de l'Inde. Vol. 33, issues 182 to 193 (1860), in Digital Collections, Institut Français de Pondichéry, Periodicals of French India, consulted on February, 5th 2025, https://ifp.inist.fr/s/printed-materials/item/369068